Noël Danycan “Across the World”
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French Commerce, Pacific Trade, Colonial Peru, French Empire, Global Trade, Eighteenth Century

How to Cite

Alencar, Raul. 2024. “Noël Danycan ‘Across the World’: Saint-Malo Trading Companies and the Illusion of French Commercial Monopoly in the South Pacific (1701-1705)”. Sillares. Revista De Estudios Históricos 4 (7):81-120.


During the first years of France’s direct trade to the South Pacific, the enticement of the Pacific trade's riches caused constant alliances and disputes between French merchants. Their eagerness to profit from the abundant riches of Peru and China drove French merchants, financiers, bankers, and even royal authorities into constant conflict. On one side, there were the wealthy and seasoned merchants of Saint-Malo. On the other hand, Parisian bankers and financiers were backed by royal support. Into this mix emerged the figure of Noël Danycan. Danycan, a skilled and ambitious Saint-Malo sailor and businessman, acquired alliances with Parisian investors. These bankers from the capital helped him secure the desired trading monopoly off the coast of Peru. However, Danycan’s ambition went even further. He pushed his Parisian contacts to obtain royal privileges to trade in China, which could allow Danycan to monopolize the Pacific trade into his private system. However, the conflict between other Saint-Malo merchants and Parisian royal authorities ultimately shattered his project. This article analyzes the initial five years of French direct trade in Peru, focusing on the trading companies owned by Noël Danycan and his inability to preserve his monopoly of the South Pacific trade. I argue that his plans to establish a commercial network across the Pacific were met with constant disputes from his French rivals, ultimately hampering his project.
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